small change


small change

käteinen, kova raha, kolikot, pikkurahat, mitätön korvaus, pikkusumma, pikkuraha.


Rimmaavat sanat

small change rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

small change englanniksi

  1. Coins of little value kept in one's pocket or bag.

  2. puhekieltä A minor or insignificant amount of money.

  3. The cost of toothpaste is small change compared to the cost of dental work.

  4. puhekieltä A person or thing of little importance or value.

  5. 1988 Dec. 14, (w), " Movie Review: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," New York Times (retrieved 25 May 2016):

  6. He's a self-satisfied klutz who aspires to be a con artist. . . . Compared with Lawrence, Freddy is small change.
